A Global Spiritual Community

A New Global Spiritual Community

Early in 2024, I was independently approached by a number of individuals who all shared that they were feeling very alone and alienated as they were waking this spiritual path of Freedom and Awakening.

They expressed a growing sense of disconnect, finding themselves with less and less in common with their family, friends, and even co-workers. This disconnection was not just a passing feeling, but a significant challenge they were facing.

Having had the same exact experience myself a number of years ago, I accepted the calling to start and build an global spiritual community that brings people who are walking this path together, for mutual support and communion.

A wonderful group of people and me, are currently in the process of midwifing this community, which will be opened in early 2025, so stay tuned for more information.

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How may be of service to you today?
How may I be of service to you today?