Guided Meditations

Meditation is being fully present in the nowness of this moment

Although many techniques in meditation – meditation is about one thing. Coming back to the nowness of this moment, where we are open, available and receptive to infinite wholeness, harmony, clarity, and guidance. Mediation provides a doorway into the infinite and the eternal.

I invite you to join me in these guided meditations.

guided meditations is a fast track to inner peace and harmony

Meditation – the pathway to freedom

Meditation is the art and practice of being fully present in the nowness of this moment.

It is about coming back to the Now, releasing and letting go of opinions, judgments, descriptions, and perceptions.

Through meditation, we get to become conscious of who and what we are, that we are not our thoughts, emotions, or experiences but that we are the observer, the consciousness through which these pass through.

This realization allows for the peace, joy, harmony, wholeness, abundance, and beauty that is inherent within each of us to begin to express itself in, as, and through us, in such a beautiful and magnificent way.

I invite you to join me as we move deep into the art and practice of meditation. I will explain what meditation is as well as invite you to practice how to meditate.

Silent meditation

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools of healing and expanding consciousness. As we sit to meditate, we are wise to remember that we are not meditating to get a specific result or call forth any particular outcome, but merely to come fully back to the nowness of this moment.

And so, I invite you to join me in a beautiful silent meditation.

Calling forth Divine and perfect health

Our bodies are instruments of Spirit meant to reveal and reflect the Divine health, wholeness, and harmony that is the essence and nature of Spirit.

I invite you to join me in this guided meditation as we raise our vibration to that healing level of peace, harmony, and wholeness.

The level which gives the body permission to heal anything.

Calling forth abundance

I invite you to join me in this guided meditation calling forth abundance in all areas of our lives. Abundance is not only about money. Abundance is allowing the free flow of life energy to circulate in and through us.

Raising our vibration to that level is what this meditation is for.

What is seeking to emerge?

Spirit’s will for each of us is that we forever may allow for greater and grander versions and expressions of who and what we are to emerge in, as, and through us.

This means that in every single moment of every single day, there is something new that is seeking to come forth. Something greater, grander, and more expanded than our current expression.

This meditation guides us to catch that next great and grand version that we may give it permission to come forth – with ease and grace.

 All is well, peace be still

This guided meditation moves us deep into the feeling tone that all is well, regardless of what seem to be appearing on the surface.

All is well, and so Peace be still.

Divine and perfect health

Health and wholeness are inherent within us, intrinsic to who and what we are. This mediataion calls forth that which is already within us that it may demonstrate itself in, as, and through us.

Introduction to meditation

Meditation is the most powerful way to actively and consciously participate in your own awakening.

Although simple, many individuals find it hard to meditate simply because they don’t know what meditation is.

In this video, I give an introduction to meditation as well as offer a brief meditation session, and I welcome you to participate in it.

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